Last night I looked around the web, it wasn’t on and noticed that Caruana had taken another scalp. 7-0 and against some really tough opposition. Although he makes it “look” easy, when an opponent makes a mistake, Caruana has to find the “door” which allows him in to punish his opponent. For the first two games I was about 15 feet, at the most, from him when I was in St. Louis.

Every now and then one of the players would get up and stretch. I don’t recall anyone going to the kitchen in the back to get a snack. Carlsen, if I remember correctly, had only water, no orange juice like last year. Caruana usually put his head in his hands. Everyone was screened downstairs for metal and we had to leave our cell phones behind. Even promotor Rex Sinquefield was given the “wand” treatment before being allowed upstairs at the playing site.

The commentators were very good. My favorites, if I had to pick one, were Akobian and Rogers. Rogers has a fantastic memory for chess history and he told us that GM Chuchelov had been working with Caruana for about a year and as far as he knew, Chuchelov was the only second of the players, in St. Louis, but hidden away out of the limelight.

Since Carlsen lost to Caruana in the first half, eyeballs will be on Carlsen today. It will take three losses in a row by Caruana to pre-empt him from winning the Sinquefield Cup. If he gets even 1 draw, he’s in, way ahead of everyone.

He has a mild-mannered, but baritone voice, sort of like Jan Timman’s.

Done right. this could make a great movie. I wish I could have afforded to stay for all the games.

Who are you betting on? Can you respond before the game starts at 2 p.m. Central time today?


The finishing touches are being put on this book’s cover (for spine width and back cover content) today. It will retail at $35.00 + $5.95 to anyplace in the world. It runs 118 pages if I remember correctly. The cartoons have been strengthened in “color” contrast, i.e., black.

There is a limitation to space and graphics for WordPress sites unless extra cashola is paid and at the moment, I don’t have the extra.


Last night I took many pictures of the two new boxes which will be sold to those who have the wherewithal, but in reality, the boxes (caskets) are for the deluxe Grand Turk set which the Chess Butler sells. The measurements work perfectly and pretty much only for this set. The wood grain is beautiful walnut. The lid trim is maple or paduak (beautiful beyond your dreams.) The interior, I can’t tell you yet as the pictures will be offered only to owners of the Grand Turk set. Of course you can buy a Grand Turk ($995 for black leather bottoms, and $895.00 for green felted bottoms). More should be here in 2-3 weeks I am told although I do have two sets of the green felted versions on hand.

No I am not trying to be difficult, just respectful of those who have already purchased and laid out the money for such. Almost to a man, everyone who has bought one said it will go in their game/study room and not outside their home. Joe Byrnes is looking forward to the “box availability” because every time he looks at the Grand Turk he gets more excited!

I’ll give the dimensions soon. One other reason I am holding off telling everything is that I am having something very especially made for the boxes, which I am told will take 4-7 weeks to be finished. I am not sure what is going on in that department, only that a good friend of mine used this same company and the results were fantastic! I can see it from where I am sitting.

If you hate waiting on something, my apologies, but when you get this, you will completely flip. This is one of those “God Flashes.” First the idea. Then the solution (another GI). The solution will come in two variants, one for  Grand Turk owners and the other as a gift for my steadfast and hi-grade frequent customers. To re-quote Apple on their September 9th event, “Wish we could say more.”


I PICKED UP A FEW THINGS… while in St. Louis at THE event. I only have 5 so it’s first come, etc. I have a small pack of colorfully printed cards of the 6 contestants: Carlsen, Aronian (without glasses!), Caruana, Nakamura, Topalov, and Vachier-LaGrave. On the backside is not stats, which might’ve been interesting except for most of these guys one would need huge cards!. But it has the Sinquefield logo, colorful chessmen in a circle and the appellation, “Strongest (rating wise) chess tournament ever.” Send me $8.95, made out to Thinkers’ Press or use PayPal. Includes first class postage! A nifty little present for yourself and to those who are alert and read this blog. You win!

That’s it for today…Bob